Monday, September 15, 2008

5 Random Observations of San Fran - Monday 9/15/08

#1 - EVERYONE is in a hurry. I mean everyone! Where exactly is everyone going? I'm still not sure, but what I do know is that they were always moving in the opposite direction of where I was going. I'm still thinking it was a conspiracy to keep this small town southern girl sandwiched next to the buildings on the right of the sidewalk.
#2 - EVERYONE is fit and thin. Overweight (a/k/a pudgy, stout, healthy, etc.) people beware! It must be mathematically impossible to be to have an elevated BMI when you live in a town where it seems no matter where you want to go...its all uphill!
#3 - This town is definitely culturally diverse. It was amazing to be a part of your city, even if it was for a short visit. Great city. I'll be back!
#4 - Does everyone dress to the "Nines?" I felt, underdressed. Don't ask!
#5 - What is it about people in San Francisco? Do they love their cold weather, or what? I heard a dozen times, "If I wanted this kind of heat..I would have lived in the valley!" Apparently, San Fran was experiencing an unusual heat wave while I was there. Go ahead. Blame me. I'm from Florida, so I probably brought the heat and humidity with me. I am happy to report, however, that temperatures have returned to the "norm" since my return to Florida!

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