Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Six Things You Don't Know About Me - Wednesday 10/22/08

A Blogging Tag is going around. I haven't been tagged (because I'm new to the blogging realm), but I thought it was a neat idea, so I am going to add my personal info that you wouldn't know about me from reading my blog and then I'm going to tag a friend or two.

#1 - I was a gymnast. I actually competed in the United States Gymnastics Federation (USGF..renamed to USAG since then) for about 4 years. I actually made it to the State Finals once. Although I competed "All-Around", my specialities were Vault and Floor Exercise.

#2 - I ride horses. I've even owned a few in my lifetime. I started competing in Western Pleasure and Western Trail. I eventually learned English and Hunt Seat and loved jumping! My last horse was an off-the-track Thoroughbred racehorse. His racing name was Devious Diplomat, but I called him DeeVee. About 4 years ago, I traded in my horse for horsepower. I now only ride (in) a RX-8.

#3 - I play the piano. I started playing the piano when I was about 6 years old. I've competed in the International Federation of Pianists. I especially enjoy playing Jazz/Blues and Classical music.

#4 - I was accident prone as a child. I guess I was a risk-taker back in the day. It was not uncommon for people to see me to be in a full-leg cast (playing kickball)!

#5 - I love Nascar! Only a very few people know this about me. I don't like to admit this because people get the wrong idea of the type of person I am. I am NOT a redneck...but I have a secret desire for a need for speed. I'm a Risk Analyst, so this is my outlet. I don't have a problem when 42 other people drive almost 200 miles per hour!

#6 - If I could go back in time and redo my life, I would want to be a Volcanologist or Geologist. I am completely addicted to weather, climate, and earth changes. How many people do you know have alerts sent to their BlackBerry for earthquakes, tsunamis, and sink holes? I live in Florida, where there are absolutely NO fault lines! I guess the good thing is I don't receive alot of alerts.

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