I've been looking forward to this trip to San Francisco for months and today is the day. Well, it was actually an early start..3:15AM EST to be exact. The alarm sounded and I had to shuffle around like a zombie, trying not to forget anything I might need for the next five days.
DL and I arrived at JIA and checked my bag. There was a $15 bag fee; not too bad. After getting my boarding pass, we headed to the Atrium to get a bite to eat. DL picked up a Cinnabon (with extra icing, yum!), but I was so tired that I wasn't even hungry. We got through security and headed to our gate. We soon boarded the first leg of our trip. We settled into our seats and at about 6:35AM EST, we departed Jacksonville for Memphis International Airport.
We arrived in Memphis at 7:56AM CST (the time change threw us for a few minutes). Our stomachs finally woke up, so we headed down the B-Concourse to find something to eat. DL got a breakfast pizza (yuck!) and I settled for the Grits Bowl. DL, of course, wrinkled up his nose to my selection, but this southern girl loves her grits, bacon, eggs, and gravy -- all in one bowl. Yum! I should have taken a picture of it for those northerners that can't quite picture it. Maybe next time! After sneaking a quick smoke and grabbing a People magazine, we were soon back on a plane for the last leg of our flight. We departed Memphis at 9:00AM CST headed for San Francisco International airport.
The flight from Memphis to San Francisco was a LONG one! Man, I didn't think we would ever get to California. After 4 hours and 9 minutes, we finally landed at SFO at 11:05AM PST. We picked up my bag and the fun was to begin. We had decided that we would take the BART (high speed train) to downtown San Francisco. Well, in order to do that we had a crash course in accessing the BART. First, we had to take the Air Train from the terminal to the BART SFO station. Once there, we had to figure out what train to get on and what station to get off on. You would think that with a color coded guide, it wouldn't be so hard! But, after a little anxiety and frustration, we were able to board the BART at the SFO station and after about a 30 minute ride, we exited BART at the Montgomery Street station. Almost there! After another 30 minute walk with about 10 stop lights, a crowd of people, and luggage in tow, we finally arrived at the Hilton Financial District. We were able to check in early a little after 1:00PM PST.
Man, was I hungry. Airline food, which by the way, they charge for now. $5 for a box of snacks (e.g., 1 beef jerky, 4 crackers, 3 slices of cheese, wheat wafers, and a mini-pack of oreos) just didn't cut it. So, once we put my luggage down, we were ready to eat!! We were tired and it was lunchtime, so the only option was room service. Right? Wrong! For some unknown reason even though all of the literature said that they served lunch through 2:30pm, it was not to be. Room Service was closed and would open at 5:00pm for dinner. We couldn' t wait that long, so we ended up walking across the street and grabbing a Subway sub (with double meat of course) and headed back to our room. It was time to take a well deserved nap!